The Revolution Never Happened

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Daft Punk is Playing At My House

Cat Lady Jess and I went to see M.I.A. and LCD Soundsystem at the Opera House last night. As I was expecting the show to be hipster central, you can only imagine how shocked I was when the average age of the audience must have been in the late 20s early 30s range. Highlights included: 35 year old riverdancing couple, who felt the need to pay homage to Michael Flatly during LCD’s entire set, and the return of the undercut. I guess the undercut is a natural progression from the non-commital Euro mullet trend, but seriously, there is nothing flattering about it. The show was fun, the beers were cold, and the fashions were sweet (by sweet I mean questionable). My only gripe is that although LCD Soundsystem is, for all intents and purposes, awesome, it’s been done. – anyone remember The New Deal? Take James Murphy’s vocals away and you’ve got The New Deal circa 2001.

Les Photos:
M.I.A. (There is a reason I am not a photographer. The stunning quality of this photo is that reason.)

LCD Soundsystem (Not only do I suck at photography, so does my camera. Although I kind of like this one)

Embarassing Photo of the Cat Lady and Myself. It was so bloody hot in there, we look shiny.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

I love Peter Gallagher

If an election is called after today's budget vote, and should Harper win that election, then I will personally secede from Canada. My apartment at xxx Euclid Ave. Toronto, Ontario, will be an independent territory. Harper will never be my de facto prime minister.

In more important news, The OC season finale tonight means yet another fiesta at 5 Ross. We have created a drinking game to coincide with the drama as it unfolds.

Drink everytime:
Ryan throws a punch
Seth and Summer break up
Kirsten takes a drink
Everytime ANYONE takes a drink from a flask
Peter Gallagher looks hot

Californiaaaaaaaaaa here we come...

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Summer in the City


The week o’ debauchery is coming to an end. Highlights include a lot of sleep and beverages. Saturday night was spent at Luna’s art show where I was chided for being the only singleton left amongst my friends. This begs the question, what role shall I assume in the coming months? Shall I be the sad single one that everyone feels sorry for and tries to set up on horrible blind dates for their own amusement? Or shall I be the slutty friend, that brings a new fling around every few days (rotating apartment door and STD’s included in the slutty friend starter kit). The answer to this will be revealed in the coming days. The star of Luna’s art show, other than Luna herself, was our very own Lavi.


Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday were spent on various patios around the city with two of my favourite people, Cat Lady Jess, and my roommate Chester. Lot’s of sweet fashions were out and about (including leather vest/no shirt man, and the 65 year old man with the Goldfinger hoodie, baggy jeans and wallet chain, you know its time to let go of your youth when…).

The Cat Lady

Chester and Me

Also congrats to Natalia and Timmy on your engagement, although I still don’t believe you.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

I love my mom


But I don't love the gastro-intestinal repercussions of Lucky Dragon sweet and sour veggie chicken at 2 am.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

All Done.

That's it. I wrote my last exam at UofT EVER last night. Left off on human security and systemic stability.

And so begins "real life". Must get myself a job and start working for the man. Become a contributing member to society if you will, part of the establishment, etc. etc. etc.