The Revolution Never Happened

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

BK Poutine

I refuse to acknowledge this change in the weather as a change in the season. You guys can all shut the heck up, its summer and its going to be summer until I start wearing pants…which won’t be anytime soon as I seriously dislike pants. As long as the days are above 20 degrees Celsius (68 Fahrenheit for my star spangled readers) I will not be wearing pants. Don’t try to convince me otherwise, I will just get grumpy and passive aggressive and I guarantee it won’t be pleasant.
Cuba - 2004 028

Friday, September 23, 2005


Now that I have internet I don't feel like writing here anymore.

I am moving to California.


I wish....

But I am going back for a few days to visit this guy.

Friday, September 09, 2005


1. I love TV.
No, you have no idea. I flippin’ love TV. My work week nights are complete courtesy of the new fall line up and I have never been happier.

2. I like cheesy radio music.
Peruse my ipod and you would never think that I know all of the words to Kelly Clarkson’s Since You Been Gone; but I do. And I rock out to it every morning.

3. I’m a slob.
I always clean up the minute before someone comes over. But generally, I live amongst my own filth.

4. I don’t recycle or use the “green bin”.
I eat out 88% of the time and as such produce very little waste at home. But when I do, it all goes in the same bag. I’m responsible for the destruction of the environment and global warming. Me. It’s all me.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005


There are exactly 48.5 nail-biting hours remaining before the season premiere of The O.C.