The Revolution Never Happened

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

My brain hurts.

1. I am being forced into retirement from the fashion industry. I don't blame the powers that be as 25 is, for all intents and purposes, ancient. I am the J. Howard Marshall of the industry and nothing could have made me feel more so than the fact that I lost my place in the opening show of L'Oreal Fashion Week to none other than a girl who had to give her grade 8 teacher a note explaining her absence from school that day.

1.2 As a result, I have decided to make something of myself and am studying for the LSAT. My plan of attack consists of memorizing every strategy in the book and then writing sample test after sample test after sample test. Please note that interspersed between each sample test is a healthy dose of - just to keep me sane.

2. That is all.


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