The Revolution Never Happened

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

The following is based on a true story.

I hail from a small town, and as such, I am quite liberal in my social interactions. I am not adverse to smiling at people on the street or saying hi, provided they are good looking. However, there is one golden rule of big city livin’ that even I dare not break: The subway vow of silence.

Talking to people on the subway is just creepy. Everyone packed in like sardines during rush hour, your nose wedged in Johnny French Guy’s armpit, it’s just not a good scene. I am party to this twice daily, just before 9 am and shortly after 5 pm. My ride is a lengthy one, spanning a good ten stops and I have developed a series of coping mechanisms: The ipod and oversized sunglasses are a personal favourite. The pole sleeper is another, you know what I’m talking about, the guy standing at the pole with his head bobbing up and down with the rhythm of the train (he’s not seriously sleeping, no one actually sleeps on the subway). Thank god there’s always copies of the Metro lying around aswell. This daily indulgence of celebrity gossip and current affairs is always a good tactic for avoiding eye contact. All in all, the subway commute is a personal time of reflection whose sanctity should not be broken.

This brings me to today. While employing the ipod tactic (sunglasses were left behind at work), I noticed that a gentleman was staring at me with such intensity that it literally made my ears burn. Every once in while he would look down at his knees, and then back up. Since it was well after 5, the rat race home from the office was in full swing and as such my view of what was on his knees was obscured.

Runnymeade station – stare.
High Park station – stare.
Keele, Dundas West, Landsdowne, Dufferin – stare stare stare.

By now I was getting a little antsy. Was this guy an out of towner from Dildo Newfoundland? Did he just not understand subway etiquette?

It was only when the masses vacated the train at Ossington that I realized what he was doing.

Cue the Celine Dion Titanic medley….. The guy was drawing me!

A little taken aback, but slightly intrigued I got up and proceeded to move towards the door as if to prepare for an exit at the next station. I wanted to see this masterpiece, I was intrigued, a little excited. An impromptu portrait, how quaint, how Euro, I had to see it!

Nonchalantly I made my way over and as I passed him, I looked down at his sketch pad.

I can safely say I now know how Tricia felt when Napoleon delivered his work to her as incentive to attend the dance with him…. Maybe he just needs to spend another three hours on the shading on my upper lip.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Lessons learned this weekend:

(1) There is no gay Santa Claus at the end of the parade.
(2) 1 litre of Rum + 1 digital camera = bye bye career in politics or reality tv.
(3) The batman song is applicable to everything in life.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


After centuries of being Europe's bitch, Poland is finally getting an "image makeover".

Makin' mama proud.


Latvia, myself, and Cat Lady Jess.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

crackers with peanut butter and academic withdrawal

Last Friday I became Olgs B.A.(Hon) and as such, a useful and contributing member to society. My new real life goes as follows:

I wake up at 6:30 am let the molester out for a pee. I then eat bran flakes while watching Breakfast Television before running out to catch the #94 Harbord bus to the subway and then to my respectable 9-5 job. At said job, I do what I am told and pretend to be important when the unwashed masses (read clients) call in asking about mortgages. At 4:58 pm I clean off my desk and join the zombie parade back downtown where I get home just in time to catch the tail end of Dr. Phil. I then heat up whatever frozen meal the President Chose for me, which I consume over Inside Edition or other insightful works of investigative tv journalism.

Wash, rinse, repeat.

I am starting to find Dr. Phil to be the answer to all of life's problems. Announcements on the news like "raging inferno" and "celebrity sex scandal" excite me. The "crazy antics" of the Breakfast TV crew are growing startlingly amusing. I am a 45 year old single mother of one (Chester).

This cannot be life post-academia. I am seriously considering a PhD.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

When I start making him wear themed outfits, please get me some help

In keeping with my crazy dog lady ways, here is your dose of Chester:
He is the new face of American Apparel and is looking forward to pride week.