posted by Olgs at 2:45 PM
Kelly was cooler when she didn't look like Brittney.
By Anonymous, at 2:52 PM
Yeah but Kelly is a working class Britney, fighting for the regular girls who can't afford hair extensions and were not a part of the Mickey Mouse club. She's a modern day Johnny Cash.
By Olgs, at 2:54 PM
Johnny cash let me down...
By Anonymous, at 3:02 PM
Well look who's on Blogger. Hope you're remaining as sexy as a fox.Kelly Clarkson rocks my gay khasbah.(BTW, I'm adding your blog to my blog, and there's nothing you can do about it!)
By doomed to be fabulous, at 2:56 PM
You're gonna have to APPROVE my comment? Oh Olga, what paranoid grip on power!
By doomed to be fabulous, at 2:58 PM
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Making my mom proud... or atleast less ashamed.
Kelly was cooler when she didn't look like Brittney.
Anonymous, at 2:52 PM
Yeah but Kelly is a working class Britney, fighting for the regular girls who can't afford hair extensions and were not a part of the Mickey Mouse club. She's a modern day Johnny Cash.
Olgs, at 2:54 PM
Johnny cash let me down...
Anonymous, at 3:02 PM
Well look who's on Blogger. Hope you're remaining as sexy as a fox.
Kelly Clarkson rocks my gay khasbah.
(BTW, I'm adding your blog to my blog, and there's nothing you can do about it!)
doomed to be fabulous, at 2:56 PM
You're gonna have to APPROVE my comment? Oh Olga, what paranoid grip on power!
doomed to be fabulous, at 2:58 PM
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